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Growing Resilience

Join us in growing food, people, and resilience this holiday season by supporting Cul2vate financially.

What Does Resilience Look Like?

Stories of resilience come in all shapes and sizes. We are excited to share some of those with you from this year! 2021 was a full of challenges and chances to practice resilience while celebrating the faithfulness of God. But don’t just take our word for it!

“Through Cul2vate I’ve learned the difference between a “good job” and the “good work” that comes from the heart.”

– Camille First Female Cul2vator

Read Camille’s full story here

“Maybe I learned patience from Cul2vate…you plant stuff, you watch it grow, you nurture it. That takes time just like people take time to grow.”

– Kaemon, Cul2vate Graduate

Read Kaemon’s full story here

The farm showed remarkable resilience this year as well. And have you read about the miracle potatoes?

March 2021

July 2021

Thank You for Continuing to be an Incredible Champion of Cul2vate!

We invite you to join us in Growing Food, People and Resilience by giving a gift before the end of the year.

$100 – provide fresh produce for two families of four for a month fulfilling Matthew 25:35 with the most basic of our neighbors’ needs.
$500 –  provide a season of seeds for the and greenhouses, creating the space to plant the seeds of Christ in those who come to the farm.
$1250 – – provide 2 weeks of Cul2vator wages, helping him or her get on his or her feet to find purchase in taking steps toward Christ.