The Big “What If” Hangup
“What if they will not believe and will not obey?” – Moses (Exodus 4:1)
The big “what if” question hangs us up every time….Why is this our first reaction to God’s movement in our lives? What fear motivates this timeless response to Him wanting to do something supernatural in and through us? Carl Carlson, in his book, “Beyond the Walls”, describes the day he met Jesus as the day his journey changed from, “a fight for survival to an adventure for Christ.” Is it the fear of adventure that incites this response in us when God calls us to something that seems crazy? After all, we’ve been completely programed for the planned and secure!
If I’m being gut-level honest, I struggle with slipping into the “What if” mindset daily. Even after all God has done to show His sovereignty these past 6 years, I still doubt that He knows every need and will respond with my good and His glory in mind every time! I struggled in Africa and now… I struggle here.
After mulling this over a bit, I’ve concluded that if your in a spot where you are asking the “What if” question, you are probably on the right track! The question itself indicates that you are contemplating a step that would put you outside the realm of human possibility and would require God’s presence and power. Its been my experience that when I release myself into situations like this, God shows up (always) and He emphatically answers all the “What If” questions by doing what only He can!