Rooted in the Lord: Lessons in Resilience
Torrential downpours and rivers of water hit Nashville on March 27th and 28th, 2021. Many people were stranded, many had to be rescued. For them and for their families, we pray for safety, rebuilding, and strength.
The Cul2vate farm was not spared from the flooding. While no one was injured, the farm suffered heavy damage. A large wave of water came through the farm, straight through the barn, and to the other side of the plot. With it, the large propane tank was carried 100 yard. Chainsaws, tillers, and more farm equipment were plunged into water. The produce van was engulfed in a wave of water that will more than likely make it irreparable.
And yet, God showed us His heart and love in so many ways as the waters begin to recede.
While we may not be able to replant some of the crops for a bit, the blackberry plants on the border of the farm stood firm and strong under the torrent. Their roots made them strong and allowed them to stand up to the floodwaters. And this is where one can reflect. How are we rooted in the Lord? How are we rooted in doing His works?
In Jeremiah 17:8, it is said, “He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
God revealed to us with great clarity and certainty Cul2vate’s deep roots today.
An army of volunteers descended upon the farm to clean up the big pieces, clean out the barn, and get things moving. We are so grateful to them. They are the roots that keep Cul2vate sustained.
The people who surround Cul2vate with love, support, and genuine care root us to the mission and dedication. The Cul2vators who joined in the clean up remind us of those strong roots of Growing People. Farm Manager Jimmy leading, cleaning, and picking up the pieces he so diligently has been building over the last several months root us in purpose. The former Cul2vators who came to help and got muddy and dirty and grimy show us the importance of rooting ourselves in dedication.
Our roots, like those blackberries, are strong. They will take hold again now, and they will produce incredible fruits over the next months.
Please join us in rebuilding through prayer, work, and gifts.
The more rooted we remain in the mission of Growing Food and Growing People and loving our neighbors the best we can, the taller and stronger we will continue to grow together.