Redemption City Church Celebrates Cul2vate Partnership
On a quiet slice of Williamson County Property lies a beautiful small farm. It is an extension of Cul2vate and is maintained in partnership with Redemption City Church. Not only is it a beautiful and productive place – 35,000 pounds of produce were donated from that site this year – but it is also a true site of redemption.
Weldon, a Cul2vate graduate, is proud to call him self the RCC Farm Manager. In conjunction with volunteers from RCC, he tills, plants, grows, and harvests produce on that land. That soil has also proven incredible fruitful in other ways as the incredible RCC community has embraced and welcomed Weldon with open arms.
Who knew that this partnership that began two years ago would be such a blessing!? We are humbled and grateful for God’s hand over this farm, and we look forward to more wonderful things to come!