Pray for our Harvest and for The Big Payback!
Spring growth happens DAILY on the Cul2vate farm! As we continue to pray for our seedlings, growth, and harvest, remember that you can help US grow by supporting us on May 3 during The Big Payback!
As our vegetables grow and our harvest prospers, we are able to donate more produce to help alleviate food deserts right here in Middle Tennessee. Our Cul2vators (farmer-students) are carefully tending this crop to make sure we have beautiful produce!
Keep checking back for more growth and stories as we head into The Big Payback next week! Nashville’s day of giving presented by The Community Foundation of Tennessee, is a 24 hour time for Nashville to come together and give back to local nonprofits just like us. Please click on the link via the pictures and share with others. Help spread the word about Cul2vate
Growing Food and Growing People!