Cul2vate was birthed from Jesus’ statement in Matthew 25:35 concerning the hungry. In this passage, Jesus describes His return and lays out a very practical “plum-line” for getting into His kingdom. He says that upon His return, He will separate the nations of the earth into two camps….Sheep on the right, goats on the left! (When we read this, we decided we wanted to be sheep!)
Jesus goes on to elaborate on the pillars of the selection process. The first of six pillars mentioned concerns the way we take care of the hungry. Further, the way Jesus states it reflects His priority on this issue! He says, “For I was hungry and you fed ME.” The use of the word ME in this passage reflects a deep connection between Christ and humanity…between Christ and hungry! He goes on to reinforce this connection when He responds to the crowds question, “Lord when did we see You hungry and feed You?”, by saying, “Whatever you did to the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for ME.” Rather than leave it up to our imaginations, Jesus bluntly says, feed the hungry is feeding ME!
In this fuzzy world, it’s good to have someone speak with such clarity! Question is, will we be obedient?